Dyness Privacy Policy

Update date: June 16,2022
Effective date: June 16,2022

Dyness greatly values your personal information andthe security of privacy and is committed to protect yourprivacy by using strong encryption technologies, while thisstringent policy is designed to help explain our practiceson controlling all the data. By using our Dyness, you must agree to the terms ofthis Privacy Policy, concerning the storage, access, sharingand process of any personal information of yours made byDyness software. Please be noticed that your continued use of the Softwareconstitutes your ongoing agreement to this Privacy Policyas well as your acknowledgement and consent of amendments to it.

This Privacy Policy gives you more information about:
1. How we collect and process your personal data

We may collect data or ask you to provide certain datawhen you visit and use Dyness and its services. Thesources from which we collect Personal Data include:

1.1 Account Data:

Personal data, which you provide for registering and logging in your account, refers to any information relatingto an identified or identifiable natural person, such asusername, login password, company name, location, emailaddress, and etc. In addition, we may legally access data ofother related information through links.

1.2 Operations: Add, delete, edit, inquiry, and etc.:

While operating on Dyness platform, we collect yourusername, IP address and other related information forservice security and quality purposes, as well as displayingthe username and operational information in theassociated fields and operation logs.

1.3 Legally access and collect personal data without yourconsent.

We hope for your kind understanding that we may accessand disclose personal information or any information yousubmitted via Dyness under the following circumstances. According to the applicable laws andregulations, your consent to these actions would not berequired.

2. How we store your personal data

2.1 Data Storage Location

We store and manage data internally whether the datasource of personal information is internal or external.

2.2 How Long We Store Your Personal Data

We will hold your Personal Data on our systems duringservice period.

2.3 Storage of Your Personal Data

We implement technical security measures to safeguardyour personal data by means of local storage, datacaching, databases, and server logs.

3. How we use cookies and other similar technology

3.1 We use cookies, and other similar technologies to fulfillthe following service and function by collecting personaldata when you are using Dyness.

3.2 Remove Cookie

If you remove or refuse to use cookies in Dyness, somefeatures of this software may not work as intended.

4. How we share, transfer and disclose your personal information

4.1 Sharing

4.1.1 Principle of Sharing

4.1.2 Share personal information to perform functions and services

4.1.3 Share Personal Data for Ads

4.1.4 Achieve Security and Statistical Analysis

4.1.5 Join Marketing Activities

When you intend to participate in online marketing campaigns run by related vendors or third parties, you maybe requested to provide information of name, address,contact details, bank account, which are sensitive. If yourefuse to provide these information, your participation inthe campaigns would be cancelled, but will not affectother functions and service in Dyness. We will onlyshare your personal data with partners or third parties withyour consent so as to ensure coherent services in all jointactivities and entrust third parties for timely rewards toyou.

4.2 Transfer

4.3 Disclose

4.4 We may share, transfer and disclose personalinformation by means of applicable laws. In certain instances, it may be necessary for us to discloseyour Personal Data to public authorities without yourconsent as required by applicable law and regulations:

5.Notification from Dyness

5.1 Push Notifications

We may send warnings or other messages via Emails,texts, App, and etc., when you use our Dyness productand services. However this function can be closed bypersonnel who has relevant privileges.

5.2 Product and Service Notifications

We may send you notifications related to our product andservice when necessary, while such kind of notificationscan't be turned off.

6.Your Privacy Rights

6.1 Dyness would endeavour, by all appropriate means,to ensure that you could update and edit your personaldata on Dyness. Such actions would require an identityverification for the safety of your account. Generally, youare able to modify the submitted information data at anytime; however, for the reason of maintaining security andyour identification, you would not be allowed to modifysome initial information that you provided when signing upthe account for the security and identification.

6.2 You can stop data collection on Dyness bydisconnecting power, internet, and etc.

6.3 To provide you with a better control on personal information while using Dyness, you are able to modifypersonal data via Web-Personal Center.

7. How we protect your personal data

7.1 To protect the security of your personal information, wewill take reasonable steps to prevent all the data from loss,theft, or unauthorized access, destruction,use,modification or disclosure through in-transit encryption (e.g., SSL) and anonymization.

7.2 We encourage staff members to acquire new knowledge of information security and raise awareness ofprotecting personal information, as well as arrangingregular or irregular staff training concerning informationsecurity.

7.3 In case that personal information is accidently revealed,a contingency plan should be activated by Dyness soas to prevent the expansion of this event. Meanwhile, youshould be informed promptly.

7.4 As we all know, the internet environment is not completely secure. Dyness cannot be responsible forany damage caused by the leakage of your personalinformation when the following situation happens:

This Dyness Privacy Policy applies to our Dynessplatform and related services. It does not include productsand services of other companies or individuals. If usingproducts and services provided by third parties, pleaseremember that you are bound by the privacy policy of thethird-party. Updates of Policy

Updates of Policy

As the service coverage being scaled up, we may possiblyupdate the contents of Dyness Privacy Policy regularly.If a new version of this policy leads to real change for yourrights, we will inform you via notification prominentlydisplayed on the platform or in any other manners prior tosuch changes(s) taking effect. So please read this policyregularly to prevent not getting notifications in good time.Furthermore, please be noticed that your continued use ofthe Software constitutes your ongoing agreement to this

Privacy Policy as well as your acknowledgement andconsent of amendments to it.

Dyness Digital Energy Technology Co.,LTD.